The 2004 Teacher Action Research Colloquium November 13, 2004 Templeton Suite - Union East - University of Texas at El Paso

Mission & Background

MSP Action Research Grants Recipients 2003-2004
Stella Woo, Rosa Harding, Michael Garcia, Richard O'Malley, Sue Spotts, Julio Escajeda, and Antonio Borunda
not pictured: Donna Alford, Luisa Arroyo, Patty Benitez, Alex Bustillos, Martha Costanzo, Leslie Gardner, Ernie Herrera, Miles Kettel, Rosa Loya, Yogesh Velankar

Learn about the 2003-2004 teacher-researchers and their research projects here!



MSP Action Research Grants Recipients 2004-2005
Glenn White, Elia Anchondo, Kathleen Head, Lorena Molinar, Gustavo Alvarado, Carmen Imai, Felipe Gutierrez, Veronica Fuentes
not pictured: Yvonne Aguilera, Rosa Hernandez, Cynthia Obrero, Veronica Vera,
Sheila Wofford

Learn about the 2004-2005 teacher-researchers and their research projects here!

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2004-2005 MSP Action Research Supplemental Award recipient Stella Woo presents her research findings
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2004-2005 MSP Action Research Supplemental Award recipients Michael Garcia and Sue Spotts present their research findings
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2004-2005 MSP Action Research Supplemental Award recipient Antonio Borunda presents his research findings
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Awardees Felipe Gutierrez and Carmen Imai
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Teachers and UTEP Mentors: Stella Woo, Sue Spotts, Michael Garcia, Dr. Sally Blake (sitting); Rosa Hernandez, Sheila Wofford, Dr. Kastro Hamed (standing)
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Awardees Lorena Molinar and Gustavo Alvarado
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Awardees Kathleen Head, Veronica Fuentes, and guest
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Awardee Cynthia Obrero and her family
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Awardees Rosa Hernandez, Sheila Wofford, and Dr. Kastro Hamed
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Dr. Sally Blake, Teacher Education and Dr. Alicia Parra, El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence
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2003-2004 Awardee Stella Woo advises 2004-2005 awardee Lorena Molinar
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MSP Staff Developer Directors Alicia Torres (EPISD), Margarita Gutierrez (SISD) and Sandy May (YISD)